Tool carrying system
Fall 2023 | 6 weeks
Sponsored project; partnered project
Made to be a companion to the toolbelt, the Superlite is a cross between a vest and a pair of suspenders. Unlike the latter, which are single-faceted due to its reliance on a separate rig, the Superlite is designed to stand alone as an independent product, capable of continuing where the rig left off. This product is specialized for lighter tools for when a user decides to remove their toolbelt. Its specialized storage and cropped fit allows it to not only thrive as a companion to existing storage systems, but remain accessible for a range of body types.
Why? The evidence for this insight is based in our field research. From construction sites to workshops, we found users in these environments tend to take off their toolbelts when deciding to stay at a single work station, such as a carpentry zone. This is to relieve the on-body weight and feel more comfortable and mobile. However, this leads to unnecessary movements from going back and forth to fetch tools or fasteners within this zone. We concluded that this inefficiency is due to the mixture of heavy and light tools.
Items need to be accessible.
Items need to be accessible.
Constant movement around workshop.
Constant movement around workshop.
Improvised storage for small items.
Improvised storage for small items.
Video credit by Iretomide Olayeye.
Brand Research
This is a sponsored project by Firmgrip. In order to understand how to design for their aesthetic, we chose to research heavily in their place in the market and their key visual characteristics that differentiate them from other competitors in that space.
Form Ideation
Final Concepts
Sketch Models
I utilized an existing t-shirt pattern in order to find sizing and pattern shapes. After cutting out the t-shirt pattern from the existing template, I would then alter, then re-alter, until I find a shape that is most similar to our design. This step was crucial when finding sizing. In addition to finding sizing that fits most body types that are common in construction, I also experimented with prototypes that fit more petite body types.
Chosen Concept
Model from Ross Johnson.
Final Construction
With a general idea created from our sketch models and concepts, a 3D model was created in Clo3D in order to finalize a pattern for the final prototype. The process for the Superlite was a combination of both digital and traditional fabrication methods. It allowed us to work seamlessly and create the final product in a relatively quick time period.
For pattern inspiration, we took apart and analyzed existing vests and pockets. Specifically, we used a previous vest's pocket to create our two front pockets. We altered it so that it was slightly smaller with more interpretive storage spaces for specifically lighter tools. This idea is also carried out in the many slots in the front of the vest. Another highlight is the innovative EZ-Mag system designed to quickly hold fasteners and other such small metal tools.
Final Model
Special thanks to Firmgrip for all the feedback throughout the design process for the Superlite.
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